Effective self-defense training
Journey to self-mastery through Martial Arts
Our method
Kokikai Aikido is a journey to self-mastery through Marital Arts training. The Kokikai method encourages students to realize their full potential in all activities of daily life through effective self-defense techniques. The development of inner strength (ki power) increases physical and mental strength, improves mind-body coordination, and stimulates good health. Kokikai Aikido helps students build a secure foundation for a successful and fulfilling life both on and off the mat.
Your success
By striving to attain the most correct state of being, we can unleash our peak human potential. Our reflexes become quicker. We gain the calmness of mind necessary to avoid being upset by sudden changes. We can clearly perceive an attacker’s intentions. We feel more confident and competent in our professional and personal interactions. We feel safer as our self-defense movements become more effective. We perform better in all endeavors.
“Aikido is Zen in motion; Zen is Aikido at rest.”
Shuji Maruyama
President and founder of Kokikai Aikido
Sensei Shuji Maruyama
Sensei Shuji Maruyama is Kokikai-Ryu Aikido’s Founder and President. Sensei Maruyama started his practice in Japan and through hard practice and dedicated effort realized martial arts awakening and founded the Aikido Kokikai Federation (A.K.F.) to disseminate his training method and its benefits to the world.
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